Epiphany in Three Parts

"Human beings have an innate restlessness for God, 
this restlessness is a participation in God's own restlessness for us." 
~ Pope Benedict, Homily for Epiphany 2013 

The Creation of Adam by Michelangelo *detail of hands
First part
On the twelfth day of Christmas, I opened the gift my spiritual friend sent me at the beginning of the year ~ his gift of poetry and revelation.

I see you .... 
Your gaze is upon me. 
You desire to consume me, you pursue me  

Do you really love me this much? 

     I'd like to stay right where you are 
     There, where I can be so near 
     consumed by the fire of your love 
     Like a fragrant incense, a lamp burning forever at your side  
I wish the world would know 
How much you thirst for them 
The Beloved to His beloved 
The Lover to his beloved. 
The Creator to his creation. 

     Beloved whom I love 
     Here take my heart, it is yours  
     I receive you, I breathe you  
     consume me day and night 
     Rest my heart within your heart 
stay with me i beg you  
Be a presence i implore you 
hide not from me anymore 
Take me now ... Take me now. 
Wrap me with your arms  
consume me with your love.  
     Unite my heart with Yours 
     let not my heart wander again  
     Let it rest in your love in your heart 
     Now and for eternity  
     My Lord, my Savior, my God.

~Daniel Bugnini, 1 January 2014~

He gave me the liberty of choosing its title ~ but I would like to open the possibility to all my readers who read this the first time... what title would you give it?


  1. I would like to suggest the title "The Gaze of Love" because in my own experience, that's what really changes us, Jesus' gaze of love, and His gaze through other people's eyes ;)

    1. I love the title that you gave Jocelyn. Was it very spontaneous on your part to think of the gaze Jesus has for us? It melts the heart and sees through our heart.

      Thank you for your visit :) Will unfold this story carefully in my next posts.

  2. I would go with 'Divine Love'. A very Happy New Year to you and your family Mel. Lots of love.

    1. Carefully chosen Janu ~ I love that you have immediately grasped that love as such ~ really Divine. Only love such as this can move me.

      Thank you for your visit ~ lots of love!

  3. "His Love." The love that is beyond compare. Beautiful words by your friend, Melissa. ♡

    1. Wow Irene ~ this was inspired :) This was also carefully chosen ~ but could hint on two things which is also beautiful and awesome. Slowly, this poem will unfold by itself.

      Thank you for being faithful in sharing my journey ~ lots of love.

  4. Sooo beautiful!! Our brother wrote that?! He has a gift! Such beautiful and true words. ❤️

    1. Hi sis. Yes, our brother has a gift of poetry ~ a profound way of expressing his relationship with the Lord :) Thank you for your visit ~ lots of love!

    2. You are so welcome! :) Love you too. ❤️


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