
Showing posts from February, 2014

Epiphany Part 3: On Love [Story of the Bride, the Bridegroom and the Bridegroom's Friend]

*Note: Quotes in pink ink from Leslie Ludy When the Lord closed the door to the life I’ve come to know for ten years as a religious…  I had mixed emotions over what was ahead of me…                        I have always prayed for a true and lasting love for myself...                Photo Credit: google                                  The Bride and the Bridegroom I have come to know Jesus since I was three and have decided to be with Him when I turned thirteen. I thought of serving people as a nurse and as religious missionary ~ taking care of people's body and soul ... but Jesus desired more than that... I romanticized it all ~ ‘charity,’ ‘poverty,’ ‘life inside the walls,’ ‘prayer’ and ‘perfection,’ ‘community life’ and ‘apostolate.’ The Lord wanted my ‘heart’ ...