Fidelity in a Challenging World: An Introduction
I have decided to keep a Bible diary instead of an online journal for a while. But friends urged me to write and be a voice that can be "heard" now rather than continue pushing off a gift on hand~ in short, to go back to blogging. Know Thyself I felt a part of me crumbled when I trusted people in the outside world. For a year, I struggled with issues on 'privacy' and I decided to delete my FB account. I felt the need to disengage in interacting online ~ to check out these 'beasts' inside that required taming. I succumbed to work and had to give up my Saturday catechism to give way to the extras I accepted on my plate. Overworked, underpaid and extremely tired ~ discouraged that I still have not given ALL of myself to a work I really put my heart into... I begged the Lord to gift me with a 'listening' heart to hear and 'open' eyes to see that the world around me is groaning with the same sentiments. And the Lor...