Fidelity in a Challenging World: An Introduction

I have decided to keep a Bible diary instead of an online journal for a while. But friends urged me to write and be a voice that can be "heard" now rather than continue pushing off a gift on hand~ in short, to go back to blogging.

Know Thyself

I felt a part of me crumbled when I trusted people in the outside world. For a year, I struggled with issues on 'privacy' and I decided to delete my FB account. I felt the need to disengage in interacting online ~ to check out these 'beasts' inside that required taming.

I succumbed to work and had to give up my Saturday catechism to give way to the extras I accepted on my plate.

Overworked, underpaid and extremely tired ~ discouraged that I still have not given ALL of myself to a work I really put my heart into... I begged the Lord to gift me with a 'listening' heart to hear and 'open' eyes  to see that the world around me is groaning with the same sentiments.

 And the Lord showed me the blessings I ignored each day. I have given way to complaints, competition and envy instead. What I thought was a virtue on my part was actually a vice that entailed 'unmasking.' 

He must reign not I.


  1. Your voice is treasured and so needed in this hurting world. I'm glad you have decided to return to blogging and share your journey of faith, dear Melissa. Know how much you are loved and have been missed!


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