My Soul's October Journey: In Three Parts

They Met Me In Dreams: First Part
I saw familiar faces and heard them droning, looking at me with strange eyes, as I brisked my way to the empty pew. The celebration was about to start but something just didn't fit in the picture...

I fail to point what it is...
                 "Why?" They continued to drill my thoughts and I...

I woke up with those queries reverberating on my mind...

My missionary friends would often visit me in my dreams especially on my periods of desolation... but they usually came in twos or threes and prayed for me. This time, 2nd of October, they were an assembly and have celebrated the Eucharist with me.

It was the Feast of the Guardian Angels... exactly two months after Our Lady of the Angels of Porziuncola.

Was God preempting what was to come?

He Met Me At Noon: Second Part
"Then Jesus was led by the Spirit into the desert to be tempted by the devil." 
Mt.4,1 NIV
I wasn't aware that the great battle started within the moment He left. I felt my soul grieving.I wandered in the desert and have forgotten of His love.
The stumbling block knew my weakest point and had me directly attacked  there.

Leb (Dt. 6,5 // Mt. 4,3-5)
"Tell these stones to become bread..." - Mt. 4,3

I drank from different wells ... inordinately craved for food ... one after another ... anxiously...  filling myself up ... but not one has satiated this tremendous hunger and thirst that I have.

They were as beguiling as they are vacuous... overtly gratifying but ephemeral. They left me empty at the end of the day.

Nefesh (Dt. 6, 5 // Mt. 4, 5-6)

"...Throw yourself down..." -Mt. 4, 6

I was journeying with several others... but we took different routes...

San Miguel Avenue 2011 (photo by Melissa)

We heard a commotion outside but we didn't mind and went on with work. We looked outside the window at three and saw many people rushing to the left side of the building adjacent to ours...

A closer look at the incident (2011, photo taken by Melissa)
It could have been any of us at his/her most desperate point ... 

Her husband left her.... and she plunged to the abyss...

How could it be that the battle ended this way?

Me'od (Dt. 6,5 // Mt. 4, 9)

"...bow down and worship me..." - Mt. 4,9

Where have all my time and energies been spent after all these days and months of absence? Have I ceased chasing my dreams?


Then, like a gentle breeze,  He came ...
without a sound...

and met me at noon...

(Parallelism of Shema Israel to Temptation of Jesus from Sr. Helen Graham's class on Psalms)


  1. Each image and your reflection creates an aliveness to your post.

  2. I loved the way you explain every phase of this difficult journey you have undertaken. I am glad you are back healed and whole. Love you soul sis

  3. The worst part of holding the memories is not the pain. It's the loneliness of it. Memories need to be shared.
    I am happy to see you here Melissa,each one of us has our own way of letting go....and so do u...we don't have many choices left...
    Just take care of your self,and u know I am always around with u...loving u always.

  4. The picture paints your word.. and I am glad everything is fine in your side.. Take care.. Visit my blog if you are free because I have a romantic treat for everyone..

    Someone is Special

  5. You had me hanging on every word as I read; your weaving of scriptures with your emotions, your experiences, are profound! What a gifted writer you are!
    I'm so glad He met you at noon . . . :)

    Blessings, Melissa!

  6. Life is ebb and flow, lack and know. Sometimes we are filled to the brim with knowledge and other times we feel lost. Thanks for sharing your journey. I do believe you are on your way to something great Melissa!

  7. Wonderfully heartfelt post. I agree with Tameka Life's ebb and flow, thank you for sharing. <3

  8. We don't always know why things unfold as they do, but sometimes we can look back later and see more clearly. Warmest blessings to you Melissa, as you travel your journey.

  9. Really profound reflections Melissa. I've missed reading your posts. May God bless you with peace and healing today and always. ~blessings

  10. I also have missed your posts. This one, both your words and images, reminds me of the lyrics of one of my favorite hymns:
    "I come to the garden alone
    While the dew is still on the roses
    And the voice I hear falling on my ear
    The Son of God discloses.

    And He walks with me, and He talks with me,
    And He tells me I am His own;
    And the joy we share as we tarry there,
    None other has ever known.

    He speaks, and the sound of His voice,
    Is so sweet the birds hush their singing,
    And the melody that He gave to me
    Within my heart is ringing."

    It goes on from there. It's a very old hymn and has a beautiful tune. I find it extremely comforting in times of need.

  11. What can I say,mom? You hold me in awe! God has given you a special heart which goes out to anybody's pain with a gift of empathy.I know because I've experienced your love.

  12. All i can say is what a beautiful post! Astonishing.

  13. I love how your words and images mirror each other. Your story unwinds like silk thread...a poetic soul. So beautiful and deep.

  14. You were one that I truly missed .. Your post today is an example of why. You always touch us/me with your honesty, style, your bravery and your soul!! I'm glad your back and equally glad that I'm here to share your journey.

  15. im speechless, i could read your thoughts more than your words tell

  16. Hello.
    To have friends like these here who have offered their support & comforting words is truly a beautiful thing. Never feel you are ever alone Melissa. Some of us may never actually "meet", but that doesn't stop us from sending our hugs & love.

    Thoughts Of Beauty In The Stillness Of Dawn


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