
רָפָה (rapha)

Among the days  that I had in June, today is the best I ever have!

"Being still and doing nothing are two very different things"  
~Mr. Han, Karate Kid 2010

A fever shook me Monday morning and left me on bed for several days. I grew resistant with the antibiotics I was taking for my tooth infection. The pain kept me awake.

Winter breezed in my month of June. 

The season covered my heart with snowflakes and revisited the deep sentiments it held for years.

It was 'forced' rest. The Lord knew how agitated I was. So I worked my way through the little sketches of my nieces and took in a drawing assignment from a French buddy. Then I prepared materials for my Saturday classes.

It was several days after when I heard Rapha. It was the second time I heard Him speaking to me in His language. I heard Him say shub during Lent three years ago. 

I mistook Rapha for Rapha-el. I thought it was my soulmate's name... 

רָפָה (rapha) Melissa!

Song of Songs chapter 2
music from DaySpring ecards
voice from
image taken by May Christine O.Tandoc 'Bohol 2010'

Updates: Finalmente!


  1. I pray that winter passes quickly and that as you read this spring is already blossoming in your heart and your body is feeling its light and warmth. I will pray for a full healing. May you be completely restored sorry you haven't been feeling well.
    ~ love and blessings

    1. The winter has passed Jessica sis ~ the reason why I was able to write :)

      Om shanti shanti shanti :) in fullness and love!

  2. Melissa get better SOON !!!! Your such a wonderful women with a beautiful mind and soul

    1. Thank you Jim. Ache's gone, colds still here but I feel better ;)

  3. Mom, my dearest, I pray to God to make you well asap! You are my beacon! Love and hugs!

    1. Thank you dear daughter :) God heard your prayers :D

  4. Sorry you were unwell, sweetie. I've been feeling a bit ill too. I know, like you, it's a time for me to reflect and I'm doing that a lot these days. May He continue to speak to our hearts as we open ourselves more and more to Him ♥

    1. I love the tread you are taking BS and I'm following you. I'm journeying with you. Yes! May we hear His voice speaking to us...

      Take care and warm hugs :*

  5. its really sad to know that you are not feeling well,
    Get well soon Melissa....:)

    Best wishes,

    1. Oh please... don't be sad dear friend. I do feel better now ~ remember, this is a time for rest :)

  6. So dislike that you have been under the weather, my dear. Do hope you will be pulling through soon and back to your spirited, loving self.

    1. A friend asked me what I was doing and I replied, "I'm taking care of me at the moment."

      Oh how I love you so much Martha. I feel so blessed to have been gifted with a friend like you!

      God bless :*

  7. So sorry you aren't feeling well. And yes, He does force REST when we are unwilling to. Sometimes he needs to get something to us and through us... and if we are too busy, we'll miss it! Sending love and prayers your way, bella. I love that you posted the Song of Songs Chapter 2!!! ;)

    1. So che a te piace 'Song of Songs' :) God invited me to listen to it over and over again...

      Si, sono d'accordo. E' vero! He spoke to me in different ways and I was sensitive to it.

      Grazie molto!

  8. Dear Melissa,
    I am sorry to hear you have been unwell. Pain is the body's way of letting us know something is not right and we need to take action. This time will soon pass and you will once again be able to enjoy the beauty of life once your health has been restored. Wishing you well dear friend. Take care of yourself.

    1. You know Andy, I have realized a very important thing at this moment :) I know you'll be glad to hear it :D

  9. I hope you get well soon, or are better now, but this is a great post.

    1. Thanks JR :) I do feel better today than yesterday :)

  10. Get well soon, Melissa! And while you rest and just be, may God embrace you more and fill you more with His love. <3

    1. I felt it Irene :D ooo I feel so happy :* Thank you!

  11. I just had my tooth extraction a week ago. I really wished I listened to my mom about brushing my teeth regularly, I was such a lazy kid. Get well ASAP! May you be blessed more by HIM.

    1. LOL! I should've listened to my mom too. I have postponed it so long that I became immune to Amoxicillin.

      Thanks Key :) I'll brush my teeth better :P

      P.S. I'm scheduled for tooth extraction this Saturday :)

  12. Learning the wisdom of silence...Keep the faith burning.
    Take care always partner in Art!

    1. Thank you ARTner! I know you're always there to look out for me.

  13. This is deeply beautiful Melissa.

    1. Thank you Colleen :) I'm so glad to see you back :)

  14. "Being still and doing nothing are two very different things."
    Being idle and doing nothing is laziness.
    Being still and knowing God is bliss!
    Be still and let God heal you, body, soul, and spirit.

    1. Yes Debra :) Piano piano :)I'm getting there ;)

  15. Melissa, I know that it's difficult to stay still when you're sick, but rest and get better. I'm praying for you but I also know that you are listening for what is being said to you. We listen better when we're quiet. Sending love, light, and joy from our Father's heart.

    1. Thanks Leah :) Your heart is so pure and sensitive. Light and love :*

  16. nice:)get well soon..sending you my best wishes:)i just wish that i could write like you.may my pen move like yours.

  17. Shukran Zarnab. I do feel better everyday... but I do feel sleepy at this early hour :P

    I'll check your blog :)

  18. I hope you're feeling much better now, Melissa. Keep on writing from the heart ;) Blessings!

    1. Thank you Jocelyn. Your words uplift the soul :) God bless!

  19. I am a bit confused . i did not fully understand Rapha and Raphael. maybe u can explain or maybe some other post of urs explains?

    1. These are words I heard from my heart Jerly. I first heard Rapha-el which meant God heals. I thought it was a hint to a future event. I thought God will gift me with a person named Raphael. So I used this name for several posts disguised as an angel.

      When the month of June came, I got sick. I watched Karate Kid over at HBO and I heard that quote, "There's a difference between being still and doing nothing." I learned that Being Still in Hebrew is Rapha. And upon prayer and discernment, it was Rapha that God wishes me to 'do' at the moment.

  20. Rapha ...sounds something new to me...
    Wow! I can see many stylish blog award! Glad! Keep styling it reflects your art! :)

  21. So sorry you were ill, but happy that you are better dear Melissa. Thanks also for explaining Rapha and Raphael as I was going to ask about them too. I love all of your posts!

    1. Oh, thanks God for both sun and rain ~ illness and health. I took care of myself as my little guardian angels did too.

      Thanks so much Tameka love :*


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