Home... at Last!

I wish it could be like this... forever ! google image from Tangled A friend frantically wrote me, " No news for many days, are you okay? " Oh if you could only see me! I am FEELING for the first time in many years... music: Sleeping at Last by Turning Pages device: opendrive.com It was an assignment I picked up since it started way back 2001. Where have I been all these years? Outside of myself! And now, I'm fully coming in. I am inside my 'body' ~ my own skin marked with history... MY story ... Soul's Light: Rising from the Ashes I thought I could just fly to God leaving this body behind. Then he hushed me, "We communicate with Him not only with our heart (cuore) BUT also with our head (la testa) and feet (i piedi)... with our whole body (con tutto il nostro corpo)... --- If that is so... then what have I been doing sitting infront of my pc all day? CAMMINIAMO......