Εφφαθα 2: Take hEARt

I roused from a dream of a storm... 

Water trickled from my room's ceiling and the wind banged my window. I thought another flood was coming... I looked outside my window and to my surprise... it wasn't raining heavily outside!

The Spirit breathed into the dormant regions of my being. 

Several days ago, God showed me the way to 'reconciliation' also through a dream. I 'felt' the changes it brought me afterwards ~ my body and mind were more relaxed. 

Yesterday while listening to the priest's homily, the Lord brought up a memory from seven years ago. He pointed out a sin recurring because of postponement. Why am I terribly fond of delaying a decision? "Sin enslaves", I heard the Lord whispered. There's so much emotional blackmails tied in this ~ ALL because I lingered in another whirlpool

And here comes the Lord leading me to the gates of freedom... choose <life>!
I looked at myself in the mirror and echoed what my soul sister told me, "It's your inner beauty that reflects on your face."  The Lord sees more... 
Belle, my niece 30/9/12

I want to keep my ear wide open
like a door folding out to the sun,
ready to receive all that the ball of
of fire spills across the threshold.
I want the Word to trickle through
the long canal to the heart and
find a place to stretch out in a dream,
then expand through my sense
to some form in reality. I want
it to grow sturdy like a tree
that dances in every emotion
of the wind, hearing music
even when there is only silence.

~Morning Ear by Georgen ~

And looking up to heaven, He sighed and said to him,
"Εφφαθα," which is 'be opened'. ~ Mk. 7, 34


  1. Hi Dear One,

    Glad you are relaxed now!
    Your thoughts perfectly defines the title of this blog ''Depth'' ... The deep emotions,thoughts and realization everything I can feel here.

    My best wishes and Love to you! :)

    1. How are you little one?

      Not so but better than before ;)

      Thanks and keep praying with me ~ lots of love!

    2. I am very well dear one!
      Done with my exams .. :)

  2. And, indeed, my dear, the Lord is leading you to the gates of freedom. In this post, I feel you are opening up like a blooming flower to His grace and guidance. May God ever light your way and keep you listening to His voice!
    Blessings, Melissa!

    1. So beautifully put dear Martha. Thanks so much :* May God always be our guide :) Love you so much!

  3. Your soul sister is right,It is your inner beauty reflected on your face. And what a lovely face it is...bless you.

  4. Melissa, indeed the Lord sees more and for that, I am thankful. I say this because there are times I don't like myself. For whatever reason I will look at myself and think I should have done this, or that, or said this, or not said anything at all. The image that stares back will remind me that I didn't act the way I should have. When guilt or remorse starts to seep in, I take comfort in knowing that God is forever loving, no matter what we do, say, or behave. If we are truly repentant of what we've done, the Lord sees our inner beauty and allows us to believe in ourselves again. Thank God for that! Thank you for reminding me of this! :)

    1. You are so beautiful! Thank you so much for your reflections. I totally resonate ~ but you have reminded me of the mirror of perfection (*St. Francis of Assisi). Jesus is our mirror...

      Lots of love Bella!

  5. Go where HE takes you....and yes, your beauty glows like your soul.

  6. “…hearing music even when there is only silence.” He is the song of joy and gladness that chases away our sadness, isn’t he? The one who drives away the clouds of sorrow and gives us bright tomorrows. So I pray, “Give us ears to hear your voice oh so clear, give us eyes to see your glory.”

    1. I so love your FB profile pic. It depicts receptivity like an open vessel 'ready' and 'open'...

      Lots of love Debra and thank you so much :*

  7. Hi Mel! I'm back now!

    Oh, I really thought another flood was striking. hahahah!!! Oh, I would like to thank Goergen for that wonderful piece.

    1. Welcome back Key! I'm really happy for you :D I pray for all the blessings that you need for your first job :)

      Lots of love and thanks for coming 'back' ;)

  8. Really nice to be back and read post like yours and Martha's. Both reflecting hope and love !! Missed you Melissa!!

    1. Welcome back dear friend! You have remained faithful as a reader :) I have missed you too ~ your images and the adventures you share over at your blog.

      Hope to see more of you around. Lots of love to you and Phyllis :D

  9. ..beautiful words Melissa..
    ..words really have trickled down your heart through your veins into this poem..words really do dance to your music..you put dollops of feelings into your poems..making it an enjoyable read..
    ..keep writing beautifully.. :)

    1. Thank you Rigzin :) Will be visiting blogs in a short while... was just a bit distracted.

      I have come across Georgen's poem several years ago and it has stayed in my heart forever.

      I think that's the real power of words :) Lots of love!

  10. I love how the Lord communicates to you through your dreams. Dreams can be a beautiful portal to the Divine in which revelation can flourish. Keep your heart open, as I know you will, God is using you to do beautiful things...You are one of His beloved treasures. :) You inspire me every time I come here. Thank you.

    1. Revelation and relationship :)

      Thank you so much sis. I felt insecurity with the storms I face. I know that the delay gives me a nervous feeling and so does God's reminder. Piano piano :)

      Lots of love to you :*

  11. It is always wonderful to hear of another person's story of being silenced from that inner turbulence. I'm glad you were calmed, Melissa. I long for my heart to be free from storms of any kind.

    Much love and God bless ❤ :-)

    P.S. Belle is so precious :-)

    1. Thanks so much Irene. I think our dispositions vary and they come like the weather.

      What is important I guess is how we allow God to work in us despite the inner turmoil.

      Love you lots. You can do it!

  12. Indeed, it's always the inner beauty that shows (if you let it shine, of course). I actually have to remind that to myself, as I keep trying to perfect my "image" while it doesn't even matter unless in photos.

    1. You could be funny and serious at the same time Dave :) Let your beauty shine then :)

  13. Replies
    1. Shukran Izdiher :) I pray it changes something inside :)


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