Re-building bridges...breaking down walls

"If we want to live a life of love of God, 
we must not fail in our love towards our neighbor." 

~St. Therese of Lisieux~  

For quite sometime, I've grown comfortable leaving a few notes to friends and "disappearing" for a long time without a trace... I was 'busy,' or at least I tried myself to be. I thought I was 'forgetting myself' by doing so. 

I was not bothered until I felt restlessness and ennui within. I felt that the period of 'desolation,' that affected my relationship with others, was the door that the Lord used to 'break through' my heart. I realized that, in place of the 'precious' moments with friends, was a thick wall that prevented me from relating deeply with them. 

I stopped sharing...I was no longer re-inventing myself.

While confiding this to the Lord in prayer, He led me to 'three' courageous people facing different odds in life: A woman whose husband's sickness left her financially drained [he eventually died]; a tormented wife whose unfaithful husband physically and emotionally abused her [after several loving years of marriage]; and a young lady stricken by lung cancer stage four [a beautiful model struggling over the effects of chemotherapy]. 

Many times I am quick to say I am suffering but the Lord always takes me to other people's world ~ taking my eyes away from myself.

"What can I offer them?" I asked. 
"Give your 'little coins' daily," He said [cf: Mk.12:41-44].

The priest in Saturday's homily stressed that, at offertory, it is the very act of giving daily ~ faithfully ~ that is practiced so that we will learn to open not only our hands but also our hearts to other people.

Later at night, I was 'admonished' by my twin heart:

"The more you are tempted to stay in the dark, fight back and go out into the light.

At first it will be a struggle just like any learning curve. But you'll get there...
God sees what we would become if we allow Him to work in us...
But the key is in OUR hands... Not in His hand..

Occupy your mind to be the best that God wants you to be...
with the gifts He empowered you... 
You will be giving so much joy and laughter out there to many

your music... your drawing ...your love for kids...


With that the Lord opened my eyes...

His last words were the 'little coins' that the Lord were referring to. The things that the Lord has gifted me with. The difference is the 'attitude towards giving' ~ it should be enlivened with love and enthusiasm not an alm that I am obliged to give.

I saw the light through the broken wall....

and then I saw my brothers and sisters...


  1. Amen, my dear Melissa, amen! The light is shining through the wall now broken and the Lord is beckoning to you. All will be well!
    Love and blessings!

    1. Thank you dearest Martha ~ I truly believe that.

  2. Thank you for the reminder and insights, M! Glad to see your post and hopefully more of your writing on the blog.

    1. One day at a time Vishnu :) Salt must never lose its taste.
      Thank you for your support ~ always :)

  3. I commented here yesterday but it seems to have disappeared. I'm glad I came to read your post again, Melissa.
    It's beautiful. It's only been a short while since I too have come out into the light, having retreated behind a wall, while still on social media and the rest. I realize I was protecting myself from pain and focusing on myself. I'm grateful to be 'out' and in the midst of people who matter. You are certainly one of them! ♥

    1. Thank you so much BS Corinne. It has become a 'habit' to build walls ~ to turn into myself/ourselves. It is not edifying nor a growing virtue of silence and humility. But once the light sets in...and once we allow that light to fill us, everything fades away...and we are just filled with love.

      It is a daily challenge but I am willing to cooperate with the Lord's grace.

      Lots of love always and let us continue to encourage each other to continue sharing :)


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