It was raining when I went to celebrate Mass one Sunday afternoon. Water rose to knee high level after an hour of harsh rain, and even if the Church was just a walking distance to our house, I knew I would not be able to pass through.

As I was looking for another way, a young woman came to me and told me that she lived in our street and she saw me earlier walking to the Church. We crossed the foot bridge together and asked a tricycle driver if he could take us to Banawe. All of the drivers refused. I began to panic and prayed Oh God, I couldn't contact my parents (I was thinking perhaps my dad could fetch us but that would be next to impossible) and I didn't have money for transportation. See us through.

The young lady, as if reading my thoughts, readily lent me her cell phone and paid for me when a jeepney agreed to take us to our street. She even walked me to our house. I looked for her after a few days to thank her and to give her back her money but I never saw her after that.

This happened in 2010. Her name is Misa. 

I remembered Misa as I braved the flooded streets of Vito Cruz yesterday. 

There were no signs of vehicles that would pass to my place so I took the longer and safer route...

the train...

I had to take two more jeepney rides before I reach my place but the driver could only take us half way. The road was impassable along De Los Santos Hospital.

As we waited for rescue, I had a closer look at what was happening around me.
I saw a group of people distributing goods to the families whose houses were affected by the flood...
People were out in the street to help each other.

I noticed that people were talking to one another as if we all knew each other for a long time... I reckon that this does not happen on a sunny day when everybody is so busy to go to work in the morning and so tired to go home after work.

As I was reflecting on all these, a man approached me and told me that a jeepney was offering a ride.    He rerouted and took the road to Roces and that was a better itinerary. I thanked God for this man's creativity. But then, we had to pass Araneta and Sto. Domingo which were also flooded.

They were both passable. Although not everybody risked to cross the flood. I felt like we were on a boat ride with all the water surrounding us. It was also raining very hard.

We were like a team inside that jeepney. I felt genuine concern towards each other. Everybody was asking where he or she would take off and how each could reach his/her place safely. 

Three beautiful things crossed my mind yesterday:

It was the Feast of St. Dominic and they celebrated it well. They didn't have to invite people to come because the Church was occupied with all the evacuees in that place. 

God sent His angels... they were scattered everywhere... in the form of that young woman who accompanied me, the man who told me of the jeepney ride, the drivers who unselfishly volunteered us rides, the people who distributed goods.


the Filipino term for Mass...

~ a Sacrament
~ sacrifice
~ visible presence of Christ in the form of bread and wine...
~ remembrance of God's love...



"Love one another. As I have loved you."

Jesus alive in every heart!


  1. lovely, melissa! i'm glad you are safe and well. the lord works in mysterious ways! xoxox

  2. What a wonderful story of how God provided for you...nice to meet you...linked 2 "doors" behind at Duane's...


  3. Loved this...Sometimes even in the ugly God will show us the beautiful...Even in life's hardships He will show us His mercy.
    Glad you are safe sis.

    1. So true Jessica sis. God only sees the light because He is light Himself :) Thanks for your prayers :*

  4. Oh, Melissa, how God sends angels when most we need them and turns the hearts of people to help each other in times of trial. And, that your angel's name was Misa? How beautiful is this?
    Coincidentally, or, more correctly, it was a God-incidence, I read a post from Fr. Leo Patalinghug (originally from the Philippines) that explained the origin of the name of the Dominicans. Translated, it means "Dogs of God" - faithful, trustworthy, tried, true, and dedicated in service to the Master. Can any of us strive for anything better in our love and reverence for our dear Lord?
    Stay safe, my dear, in these floods knowing God has you cradled in the palm of His hand.
    Many blessings!

    1. Oh I love what you just shared about the Dominicans :D That's new to me :)

      Thanks dear Martha :*

  5. Hello, Melissa. It's good to know you've survived. My family had to keep watch all through the night due to the non-stop rain and threat of flood. Even the power went off. Right now, the power is here again and the flood is beginning to subside. We thank God for His help and also for sending people like our neighbors who helped us buy food when we couldn't get out of the house due to the flood. I do hope that the weather will continue to improve.

    1. I hope it does too... I could just imagine how it was for you and your family. I'm also glad that your neighbors were sensitive to your needs. Lots of love and prayers...

  6. So beautiful. God always comes to our rescue in strange ways. I am glad you are safe, soul sis. Keep in touch

    1. Thanks for your prayers soul sis. God is very creative and resourceful :)

  7. Dearest Mom,a pure soul like you will always be looked after by God.You are like a beacon that is not shaken even in the face of the tempest.Yes, I have seen some disquieting visuals of the natural calamity faced by your country and my heart goes out to all your countrymen.

    1. Ooo only God is worthy of such praise.

      Thank you dear daughter :)

  8. So true...this was the scene in Mumbai a few years back when it was flooded due to rains.
    Be safe and be well. Prayers and love.

  9. You're right sometimes calamities bring us all together. But I wish these People Power spirit also happen even during times of plenty.
    Thanks for sharing.

    1. ...and in times that there is sun :P...

      Thanks ARTner :)

  10. yeah sometimes, or maybe often troubles bring some other kind of good. The silver lining :)

    1. Going beyond what is there :) Perhaps, it's another call to take care of nature. Ooo and we're cutting more trees to produce paper bags...geez!

  11. This is my last blog for the evening and what a beautiful reflection of communion - of God with us - all around us....Thank you dearest soul.

    1. Thank you sooo much BS. I know that you'll be among the first ones to ask how we were.

      An affirmation ~ yes :)God is with us.

  12. WOW, it was great to see hear in your post the spirit of bayanihan. It was really nice of the girl that helped you. It was funny that you don't bring money though.

    I am glad that you are safe. I really hope that things get better soon in your place. I could still remember when there was flood here in our place last December and the 6.9 magnitude earthquake last Feb. Natural disasters are really wrathful.

    Take care always Mel. :)

    1. The Church is just a walking distance and I just bring money for the offering :P...I didn't bring any extra that day. I was surprised that the area was flooded right away.

      Thanks Key. It's all sun right here in QC... I pray that it goes well with the other area of the Philippines too.

      God bless ;)

  13. Melissa, the angel of the Lord is surely surrounding you – like with Misa, who was there when you needed her. And I’m certain that you, with your heart of gold, have paid it forward plenty of times.
    Praying for the flood victims in your land. I’ve seen lots of footage, and my heart goes out.

    1. Thank you very much Debra :) There's an angel 'in' everbody ;) My heart goes out to all those whose places are still flooded... we really pray for better days.

  14. Replies
    1. Shukran Izdiher. I wish I could go beyond saying thanks in Arabic :)

  15. thats like a heart-touching reflection...

    yes from depth...

    1. Thank you Deeps :) Do we know each other? I was browsing your profile but couldn't get a hint. Will visit you again.

  16. oh melissa, God really sent you His angels because He knew you needed them! what a beautiful testimony of how God sends us help in times of trouble!

    i had one experience with flood that i will never forget, which was back in college. i was an intern in metropolitan hospital in sta. cruz and that day, there was a typhoon. i lived in a dorm in lacson st (formerly gov. forbes st) and it was already flooding. but we had to go to the hospital for our duty. i waited for a few minutes for a pedicab. the flood at lacson st was below knee level so it was okay. but when we had to cross dapitan st, the flood was at waist level! the ever-so-kind pedicab driver could no longer pedal the pedicab and he had to push it so that i could reach my destination, while i was hanging awkwardly inside the pedicab just so i wouldn't get wet with the flood. when we finally reached a dry area, i paid the driver P50.

    beautiful post, melissa. let's keep praying for the typhoon victims. take care always and God bless <3 :-)

    1. I could imagine Irene. I've never experienced flood along that area. I was thinking of hiring a pedicab too, but LRT would take me as far as Cubao.

      Oh really thanks God for all His angels :)

      I pray you are well. I'm missing you, you know :P


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