Hidden Life

"You are not meant for convent life... ..and if you're thinking about it... I beg you to reconsider..." I was taken by surprise when two of my male friends wrote me this... perhaps, it was due to my prolonged absence from the social media. I reflected on the occasions I felt myself torn apart by indecision... but it wasn't about this... Not at all... I miss the life I had ~ I call it my glorious years in the mission field. I was young and impulsive. I didn't have second thoughts. Back then, the moment was right ~ pieces fit together. I dreamt big. I wanted to be included in history as 'somebody' who did this or was good at that... But there was also a part of me that wished to remain ' hidden '... and that part could only be touched and visited by God. Early on this week, I finally got to visit a friend who was stricken by cancer. I didn't recognize her when I saw her ~ her face was bloated and she w...