Life Coaching: Some Reflections on the Purpose Driven Life

I was up earlier than my usual waking up hours. I read the Gospel for the day and supplemented it with Day 5 of The Purpose Driven Life.

Google image Road to Emmaus
Luke 24:13-35 NIV
I’ve been journeying with a new friend these past couple of days (sent perhaps per scocciare l'anima mia to move back to my center). He praised my earlier writings. that led me to read my own blog. Somehow, he has influenced me in re-assessing my intentions for keeping it. I’ve been writing more for me than for other people. I never imagined myself a ‘guru’ nor an ‘inspiration,’ much less a 'counsellor.' I was surprised by the term ‘life coach.’ Back then, we only had spiritual directors, confessors, formators and psychologists. It’s pretty interesting. But the common thing about these terms is ‘accompaniment’~a word I liked most from my SD ~ pretty much like Jesus and the two disciples walking in Emmaus.
I write what the Spirit blows and my faith experiences. If I’ve led even just one person to pray, praise God! If it stirred emotions because people relate with break-ups, romance, pain, life and death, thanks God! If I disturbed created tension within with the issues I raise in my posts and provoke you to act (positively), it’s a cause for celebration. It is not my task to provide people with answers to their questions. That would be too easy. 

Impact Factor

I saw the dwindling interests of some readers in my blog. I observed that the ones who come back regularly are my close friends (prayer partner Martha, BS Corinne, spiritual sis Jessica and my #CandyCrushSaga artist-friend Irene and an additional to the list lately, Vishnu) and I get to visit them faithfully.

I believe that God inspires us to read the materials that we need at certain points in our lives. The same way He sends us ‘angels’ to guide and comfort us. When our mission with that person is through, then we have to allow them to fly. 

"It is for Your good that I am going away."~ John 16, 7 NIV 

Some friends have shifted their interests on publishing their own books, creating photography studios or art online galleries, establishing their causes, and that’s really wonderful. Whatever contributes to their advancement is growth.

Going Back to the Basics ~ Reading God's Words

I, on my part, have moved from reading ‘thousands’ (which is, of course, an exaggeration) of inspirational books/blogs and have just managed to keep a few which I could reflect on.

I used to tell my Jewish friend that if commenting were a job, then I could’ve been paid for doing it (I was referring to my earlier years in blogging). However, within the course of the year, social networking became ‘drab.’ I felt the need to remain hidden for a while and focus on the interior life. 

I felt inner freedom after confession and with freedom comes space ~ room for other people. I felt the Spirit opening all the doors and windows for me. There was this urge to relate more with people. So I opened my lines again.

Now, going back to writing, I ask myself…
·         * Are my posts still relevant at this time?
·         * Do people resonate with my experiences?
·         * Are my words life giving?
·         * Will people benefit from reading this?

If the (my) answer is yes, then let the blog live... if not, as my SD said, I shouldn't be afraid to let it die a natural death...


  1. Your blog posts are uplifting and positive. That is the reason some visit your blog regularly. Do whatever suits your happiness.

    1. Thanks Janu ;)That's very positive :) I'll keep on writing because I like doing it ~ to inspire is not mine but God's work... Lots of love dear friend :)

  2. Good reflections. Only you'll know the answers to these questions Melissa but your writings do inspire others. Just the fact you're examining your intentions and why you're doing what you're doing is a good exercise for you and all of us to go through. Sometimes we have to step back, reflect and ask the why's in our lives.

    I also believe that we get the books we need, the people we need and the blogs we need in our lives at the designated times :)

    1. Thanks Vishnu. I haven't really thought about that until 'that friend' made me realize about it. He made me look deeper into the things that I'm doing... really confirming what he said about 'all things are significant.'

      I am truly grateful. God bless :)

  3. Melissa, as Vishnu very rightly said the final decision is yours. For my part I know that your posts encourage me to look deeper with - to question my own journey and sometimes find affirmation of what I am doing and who I am. You must keep in mind too that there are many non-bloggers out there who read our posts, but perhaps don't have the technical knowledge to respond. I know you are a very affirming person and your unique way of sharing touches many hearts. What the vehicle for your unique 'message' is to be, is something for you to ponder about. ♥
    PS: Must get myself a copy of The Purpose Driven Life

    1. Thank you for your encouragement Corinne, BS. You are right in so many ways. Lots of love to you!

  4. From my view, the answers to the questions you ask at the end of this post is a resounding yes! I have been blessed by reading your inspiring words and joining in you on your journey. You have a profound faith..I think many people benefit from seeing it revealed through your blog.

    Lots of love.

    1. Thank you so much sis :)Words are so powerful indeed ~ that yes gave me the goosebumps :) Lots of love!

  5. Melissa, yours was one of the first blogs I discovered (angels at work!) and added to my blog roll so I would never miss a single one. Your candidness about your faith journey and your reflective spirit are always inspirational to me, and I am always amazed how God is moving through you to touch the hearts of others.
    If you were to cease blogging, I would miss the voice of a prayer partner and beautiful friend. But, as both Vishnu and Corinne said, that ultimate decision lies with you.
    Know I'm keeping you in prayer and thinking of you with love!

    1. Thank you dear Martha. I will be docile to whatever inspiration the Spirit brings ~ whether to change the blog's form or theme. The very same way that I've been writing my journals on paper and now I moved online.

      I first met you in BP and then I read your blog and it spoke more of you and your love for God. That year, I promised to be really faithful in reading God's Words (you used to blog every single day) and I hope I did. Thank you for edifying my soul ~ lots of love always!


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