Self-Mastery: Thoughts on Forever part 2

My twin heart wrote me a message after reading the first partAnd so, yes this time, I am reflecting more profoundly on 'forever.'

We often 'buy' its meaning from advertisements ~ ultimately to stay young and beautiful. But a sharp contrast is noticeable when we live in a culture of 'disposability' ~ throwaway living ~ empty promises.

While modern technology aims to streamline operations, we create in ourselves impatience and quick fixes. I remember my mom asking us of the meaning of 'sacrifice' and 'learning to live with the questions.' Even marriage becomes a mockery by demanding a renewable marriage bill.

Forever in love
What is left for those who wish to believe? 

Children look on fairy tales for everafters. 
Novels-turned-into-movies depict forever in the impossible 
~ vampires, witches, magic...

There is a dimension in forever that people cannot fathom. Our mind can only reach the physical plane. All people die ~ life is dynamic ~ people change. Our human desires vary from time to time. 

While contemplating on the Infant Jesus, God made me realize that He touched that human dimension and incarnated the very Word. 

The only 'forever' I know ~ 

Echoing St. John of the Cross' Romance on the Incarnation:
In perfect love
this law holds:
that the lover become
like the one he loves;
for the greater their likeness
the greater their delight.

And what is at stake when we aim for forever? 
"Everything," replied my twin heart, 
"including our own self-knowing 
[We have to let go of the forever we know...]
because forever is God's time
Therefore, He designs what and how forever will be."


Only by loving Him can we embrace 'what is at stake [kenosis].'
He allowed Himself to be that little child to be loved by us. 


God has to ENTER into our lives. 
He has to be a part of that forever to make it work... 

that one day, some day...
this day... 
our brokenness will be REDEEMED

Reading supplements:
Thoughts on Forever by Jim Paredes
Forever ~ is composed of Nows by Emily Dickinson

"Friendship will endure only in the measure that the two friends fall in love,
 not so much with each other, but TOGETHER with a transcendent third."


  1. ..lovely post Melissa..loved it..i have always loved your glad to have visited u after ages.. :)

    1. Thank you Rigzin for the visit. What are your thoughts on 'forever?'


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