Soul Friends

Linking into the 'Blogging and Friends' blog hop at

I met with some friends this day. We've known each other since we were ten and somehow even though two of them already reside in the US, we've managed to communicate all throughout these years.
Our traditional lunch at Abe (from L-R: Hazel, Ella, Me, Hazel's parents) 5 May 2012
Sto. Domingo (5 May 2012)

Then I went on a date with my childhood friend. I have not visited Him for a while and I longed to see Him (He was waiting for me ).

I came home and spent time with my friends online...

It was while reading Bonnie's post that I became reminiscent of how my life started in the blogging world.

It was January last year when my ARTner and friend for two years in Tagged asked me if I was interested to publish my ideas. I read Fher's blog but made comments on my online journal for discussion.

I was a bit hesitant but I did open one eventually. As soon as I did, he introduced me to Abhisek Panda and Alpana Jaiswal of We the Bloggers.

It was there where I met my soul sisters Rimly Bezbaruah and Sancheeta Biswas and several other bloggers who became my most trusted friends like Jessica Mokrzycki,Jim Brandano and Sulekha Rawat.

Fernando Ymas of The Art of Realizationism
I also met JR Nova, Lisa Marie Farfalla, Alejandro Guzman and Kriti Mukherjee there.

It was through Jessica Brant that I met Bonnie and subsequently through a guest post, Jan Neel.

I haven't seen any of them in real life. But Fher, who was the only Filipino friend I had back then, had been very supportive of me. He allowed me to create and use my energy for art's sake in those two years that I didn't work. I met many artists here and abroad through him. It was he who encouraged me to open an FB account.
Well, I guess,the seeds of friendship were planted by my dear friend and from there the branches spread out.

Thanks ARTner :)

Alpana formed Bloggers Reflections and Jessica M invited me over to Blogplicity. SJ Klemis and Savira Gupta became my friends after that and so did several Filipino bloggers Corinne introduced to the group: Irene Cortez and Joyce Soriano. I bade goodbye to some groups but these two remained closest to my heart aside from our Tagged ArtLover page. Through BP, Roy Durham graciously invited me to illustrate a Christmas book for him (via Corinne) and it's now out in the market.

Comments that Corinne Rodrigues,  Mary Hudak-CollinsLinda Lee , Becky Owen and Debra El-Ramey made inspired me to follow their blogs. Their words are very soulful and soothing. My reflections widened through them and through Martha Murdy Orlando whom I just recently met in BP.

Jim B highly praised and recommended Tameka Mullins as a writer and friend. His networks allowed me to reach Ma Faye Liana Balatbat, mia pianticella (whom I met in the mall a few days after my birthday),Mari Sterling Wilbur, Aaron Offord, Syed Alfandi and Raven Myth.

I do not usually send friend requests but I did for three exceptional people I saw in BP after my October break: Andy David, Janaki Nagaraj and Leah Griffith along with Manisha Bhatia.

I also have my spiritual daughters and sisters/brothers in the field: Portia Burton, Simran Kaur, Mohinee PuranikGeeta Singh, Monu Awalla, Saravana Murugan.

I truly miss the conversations we used to make over at BR and the personal messages that greet me everytime I open my FB. I find repose after work sharing experiences with  friends. In the morning, I'd catch up with Nelieta Mishchenko, Jenni dela Torre and Pamela Rossow.

Once a person enters my intimate circle I put my whole self into it boundlessly. I don't confine myself in a playpen--- on the contrary, I make sure that I share with them the LOVE I'm experiencing from my friendship with Christ.

Our relationship is like a prayer. Mother Teresa wrote, 
"To keep a lamp burning, we have to keep putting oil in it."

I am very grateful to all of you who've shared yourself with me.
You are all Heaven sent.


  1. You are heaven-sent, too, Melissa!
    I so enjoyed reading your discovery of friendships in the world of blogging.
    Blessings always, my friend!

    1. Thank you Martha :* I believe that God puts people together for a reason. I'm very glad that I've met you :)

  2. Melissa your spirit is like a lamp that illuminates all those it comes in contact with. You have built a loving online tribe, but really it is because of who you are that all these amazing people are with you. I'm so glad that you began blogging and have shared yourself with so many. Keep it up soul sister—the world is hungry for what you have.

  3. Melissa my soul sis I am truly blessed to have you in my life.From the first day that I visited your blog I knew you were someone really special. Your words came from the very depths of your heart and I am so happy that we connected. I hope to some day meet you here in India. Loving you back my dear friend and sister.

    1. You're very faithful soul sister. I got an amount of strength from your experiences and sharings. I love our conversations and the support we gave each other with our friend's demise.

      Jesus said I should take care of you because you're more than a blood sister, you're connected to my soul and I love you :*

  4. Dear One!

    Wow! Here's such a loving dedication by you ... Happy you got such sweet dears such as Fher , Bonnie , Alapana at initials who encouraged you and as a result I'm blessed to have you my dear one :-)
    cute friends pic... stay smiling
    love you love love you :-)

    1. You're one of my dearest daughters little one. I saw that you have deactivated your FB for awhile. I hope you'll come back after your exams :)

      I do notice all your posts. Among my little ones, you have gone a long way as far as poetry is concerned. Keep it up.

      I do feel blessed to have those wonderful people around at the beginning... my roots ;)

    2. That's so cute to know Dear One! :) Delighted*
      You keep noticing my posts but I'm unable to notice your views there :(

      I'll be back to FB the next year in April...

    3. Oh that's quite a long time. I'm sorry if I haven't visited your page. I haven't been making my rounds more often, I will, inshallah :)

    4. Happy to know :-)
      take care

    5. I love you my little one. Do keep in touch here or in gmail, okay? :*

  5. ARTner Melissa !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    You're really the sweetest thing that ever came to Blog world. I'm touched. Anyways, the encouragement was not wasted as those images above are solid proof that you belong here.
    Cheers to all the beautiful people! Be an inspiration.

    ARTner Fher

    1. You're the grandfather LOL! I really am grateful to you. We have indeed come a very long way Fher. Let's continue with CURES. I hope to be back active soon in our page :P and discover more artists there :)

  6. Awe, you are such a SWEET and BEAUTIFUL soul. I love how God brings people into our lives! I am glad you are part of my life, even if that is online through blogging! Bellissima!

    1. Grazie mille Lisa :) Sono lieta di aver conoscerti. Do you remember that it all started with your surname? Tu sarai la mia farfalla per sempre :D

  7. That was just terrific.. You acknowledged everyone in such a wonderful way... Thank you for being a part of my life...

    1. Hello Savira love :) Did you try clicking the names in the post? I feel like Willy Wonka LOL :D

      Thanks God and thank you. I celebrate all of you here :) lots of love :*

  8. Melissa, I can see that your online friends are as important for you as they are for me. They are my real family, my real friends, and I love them all.

  9. Every person that comes to my life, I guess, whether online or not Nikky ;) While my family consider them 'imaginary,' they are as real to me as the friends I have met in person. I'm glad you have found a family in them :) Thank you for being part of my world :)

  10. Thank you so much for including me in your intimate circle, Melissa. I learned so much from you from the short span of time that we became blogging friends. You are a gem of a friend. God bless you always. <3 :-)

    1. Thank you Irene. This is part of what I have learned from you ~ replying to comments :) and of course, much much more. I thank God for giving me the chance to journey with you.

      You are very precious and I truly care for you. God bless you and your family. Include me in your prayers, okay?

      Lots of love :*

  11. Dear Melissa,

    I never know what you're going to do next! And it's always more amazing than anything I've ever seen before! How do you do that???

    love, love, love YOU! XOXOXO

    1. Divine inspiration :P You're an artist, you know :D

      I saw you reading my earlier posts, and those were the unvisited ones...I definitely admire you Linda Lee :* lots of love and thank you for being an inspiration.

  12. Melissa, The more I get to know you the more I want to meet you. This post is a tribute to friendship, real and virtual. A most sensitive and sweet loving compliment to life and its riches, friends. I am honored to be a part of your life and am sure we will meet face to face very soon.God bless...

    1. I've asked my closest friends to come with me to India... There must be a reason for the delay, but I know I should be buying a ticket now.I do hope to see you and become a part of your events in SP :)God bless and thank you :*

  13. You are such a thoughtful and spiritual presence it's no wonder that so many are drawn to you. Here's to friendship and I myself am happy to know you!

  14. It is good that you made time for HIM and gave thanks for all the blessings you've received.

    Friends are treasures. Sometimes, I thought of burying them so that I won't loose them...hahahahahahah

    Keep fighting!!! Keep Smiling Melissa :)

    1. LOL! You are so gifted Key. You're among my new found friends via Irene :) I truly enjoy your posts.

      Ahahaha, you're a pirate, well do bury them in your heart and then share them away :D

      Thanks for the reminder, I'll just don on my gloves :P...

      Ooo more than a smile Key :P

  15. I feel so blessed having connected with you through the blogosphere...Thanks to Fher who first inspired you to create a blog! What beautiful relationships have blossomed since then.I am truly grateful to be able to consider you my soul sis. :)

    ~ blessings and love

    1. Thanks God Jessica sis. I have seen you grow in faith and spirituality stretching all the things you've learned and opening up to newer dimensions...

      Oh and I'll always remember you for the care and attention you've given me during my dry periods :) You are a blessing :*

  16. I am blessed to have a soul as beautiful as you around mely, lotssa love and blessings for you.


    1. Thank you Mani love. You are such a beautiful and romantic soul yourself :D Lots and lots of love :*

  17. Communication is a must for a friendship to prosper. Good thing you're still connected.

    By the way, I can't send you the article because it is against our policies.

    1. I wrote you back in your page Albert.

      Communication is a must for any love relationship/ friendship to work :)

      Keep your lamp alight :)

  18. Melissa, that was just beautiful. I loved reading along your timeline of friendships made and groups you have participated in. It makes me wish now, that I would have kept a timeline for myself along my journey. It would have been interesting to go back and read over it. Your post is truly touching to the soul of how easily one, just one friendship, can lead to such a great network of friends. Thanks you for participating in our hop. I wouldn't have wanted to miss this one ♥♥♥

    1. Thank you Mary and thank you for this hop, I was able to reminisce everything. It isn't complete and there are still a lot of stories to tell :D

      Let's keep on nourishing the friendships we've found. YEY!

    2. Melissa, I hope that I am around for a long time to meet many more new and interesting people. Some I have met along the way, have either left the blogging world or have moved on to different paths in their blogging life and we have lost touch. I think about them often and wonder how they are doing. They will always be a part of my history ☺ I'd say we all have so many stories to tell that if we all got together, we could write a book! LOL

    3. I think of them too. I had my favorites back then...I kept some of them in my list just so I could still visit them every now and then.

      Ooo a book --- that would also be a very wonderful idea, something in the tradition of "How to Make an American Quilt" :D

  19. I am sorry I missed it Melissa,and I am sorry for shutting myself out of the world,I am back,and I want BR to ROCK AGAIN...........I love u so much............. Beautiful,just like u are!!!!!!!!!!!

    1. You are just in time soul sis ;) and I'm so glad that you're back. YEY! I love you too so much. Remember that we are here for you.

  20. Thanks for dedication of this beautiful and lovely post. Thank you so much Mellissa......And for my dee Alpana you had wrote very true facts....missing her on blog world.......But connected in real world I am so happy..........

    1. Hi Harshal, how did we meet? :P I was attracted to the title of your blog :D and I started visiting you there :) Thank you for being my friend and for chatting with me in the dull moments at work :)

      Geez, I remember one of my firsts, Hema Nimbekar who was the first to comment on my blog :D Thank you Hema :*

  21. You are sweetest, my dearest MOM! MWAH! MWAH!! MWAH!!!

  22. Dear sweet Melissa I told you once that you are a treasure and it is true. I value our time online very much and your prayers and good wishes have helped get me through some tricky times. So thank you for all you do. I know I cannot be a should sister but maybe I can be a batty brother !!!!

    with all my heart


    1. You have come to be one of my most special friends. Like Fher, I have met many wonderful people through your connections :) You are one of my inspirations to creative works through photography and I am truly grateful for bringing me a friend as precious as you are.

  23. Dear Melissa,
    I am grateful and honored that you call me "friend". I can truly say that I feel the same way about you. Thank you for sharing this with me, with us.

    1. Hi Andy. I think you saw one aspect of me which shocked you a bit. Forgive me for my frankness, I overdo it sometimes.

      You are a wonderful friend. Thank you for your friendship :)

  24. Melissa! What a wonderful way to honor your friends! It was so cool to see your journey and how you made each connection. A person who holds people in such grace and warmth is heaven sent. I am honored and happy to be in your group of blogger friends. Thanks also to Jim for recommending me. I love our wonderful writing community. The quote under the beautiful photo collage you made is very profound. Thanks friend for always championing me and for being an ear when I need it. You bring me knowledge, smiles and comfort. Much love to you across the miles!

    1. Oh I'm honored to have a talented and beautiful friend like you Tameka. Thanks God, you are a wonderful gift to the world of arts and poetry. Your heart is very pure. Lots of love :*

    2. Back to you! Have a great week!:-)

  25. Woah~! I saw my name! Haha. I'm in Phines now. :)

    1. Wow! Welcome back pianticella! Of course, you're a part of me :P

  26. Thank you Alan. We don't write each other often nor read each other's blog so much but we are friends :) Thank you for visiting me :)

  27. Melissa - you are one of my dearest blogging friends - and one who has grown to mean so much more to me than a fellow blogger. I love your wisdom, your gentleness and your beauty that touches me so deeply. I'm so glad that God brought you into my life ♥

    1. I have known you because you were one of the first to follow my blog. You have always been gracious to me and my writings. But I felt the closest to you at the time of our soul sis' demise. I really felt the hand of God through you, the way I did for Martha.

      You have managed to help me keep strong while my faith was put to the test.

      I have so many things to be grateful for through you. Did you notice I mentioned your name thrice? And that's a confirmation. I love you so much :* Thank you for being my friend, sister, confidant and spiritual guide :)

  28. You are such a special woman, I love you dear. wonderful post. <3<3<3

    1. I love you too Jan Neel :* That says it all :*

  29. Thank you for the friendship. Sometimes I forget how blessed I am until I read something like this. It is my pleasure and honor to be a part of your life. xoxo

  30. Sweet Melissa..I am sorry it has taking me such a long time to get over here....I had lost interest in everything including my own reading and writing.....I feel my blogger friends are the most authentic people I know...and because I am able to give and receive love , hugs, and support I believe I still exist... thank you for being part of my life...I truly love you... As always..XOXOXOOXO


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