The Bestest Mom Ever!

Mother's Day Prayer (source: google)

Belle, 12 May 2012
Saturday morning as I prepared for my friend's wedding, I asked my eight-year old niece Belle to help me with the children's assignment for the day.

We cut out the prayer cards and readied the diplomas for the children's mothers. I wrote them a letter and gave them their homework.

My niece and I, 12 May 2012

As I waited for my friend, I reread my diary...

Journal Entry: April 18, 2009 at 6:29am

It felt odd living in again with my family. It has been years since I left them. I completely disagree with the cliche,"Some things never change..." ---everything does... even that silver cobweb on the ceiling turns gray of dust after a while. 

Finally, I got to participate in occasions I never got to celebrate with them like Christmas, New Year, my nieces' birthday, Lent and Easter!

I remember those many times she prayed for us.
She reminded me of St. Augustine's mother,
St. Monica. I believe that mothers in the
world are saints...
My mother aged a lot, she says out of problem for us. After all these years she's still looking out for us... While having one of our conversations, she confessed that she felt frustrated over our lot in life. Was she a failure as a mother? We all grew up with college degrees, with honors, well-bred, and yet in terms of LOVE, we were all BIG DISAPPOINTMENTS.

Life doesn't have to be a drama all the time. I assured her that after we've chosen our own careers in life, the rest of the decision making were MADE BY US...

My sister chose the person she wanted to be with ... My brother, a complicated life... My youngest sister her profession after several  failed relationships and I... well, it's a totally different story...

My mom and dad never asked us to return what they've given... we were never obliged... Maybe the spot lies on her overprotectiveness... we lived life very mom eased all our pains by carrying them by herself...

I remembered a book I read ( I'm not sure if it was written by Thomas Keating) when I was about to go to Italy. It was about a scientist who helped the butterfly out of its cocoon. He violated a law of nature which smothered the butterfly's flying career--- he made it TOO EASY for the butterfly, it didn't struggle to flap its wings... 

I guess this happened to us... 

When I was in N.Africa, a friend gave me a plant as a gift. She told me not to love it TOO MUCH as to overwater it... it might die.

TOO MUCH LOVE mom...and yet

the return of the prodigal daughter gave everybody a shock... It was unexpected... but it was my mom who relived the story of the father in St. Luke's Gospel, 

as I was walking down the road, my mom embraced me readily without questions...


From her I recognized God's unconditional love. From her, I learned generosity...from her, I learned to value LIFE...from her, I learned SACRIFICE... from her, I learned to have FAITH again...

Mommy at MOA, May 2010
image taken by May Christine Tandoc

You are the bestest gift God ever gave to us!


  1. Mothers are always so special. No place in the world can be compared with the Mother's loving embrace..So protective and secure!
    Your mothers is a sweet selfless soul. I admire her sacrifice and faith she has in you all...So uplifting! :)

    Happy Mother's Day to your dear Mom :)
    Lots of Love and Care! <3

    1. When I read your comment little one, I can't help but thank God for your wisdom :) I've met several spiritual mothers but they all abandoned me in those trying times. Only a real mother could ever love both sides of her child.

      Happy Mother's Day to your mom too. I feel so blessed to be surrounded by little ones like you :*

    2. Even me too thank to God for blessing me such a sweet Dear One..who loves me a lot! :)

  2. Such a beautiful post about your mother!! Brought me to tears. Happy Mother's Day!

    1. Thank you Nikky :) I wrote that several years ago and I was filled with so much emotions because she just got me out off a pretty heavy situation.

      Happy Mother's Day. It's something we should celebrate everyday :)

  3. Replies
    1. Thanks Lysafae, I hope it goes beyond sweetness ;) Welcome!

  4. I really hate myself for not being able to post a blog on Mother's Day. I think I lost a lot of good things. tsk!

    Your mom seems to be a jolly and religious person. Learning the glory and love of God through our parents is really special.

    Please extend my greetings to your mom (though it's late)..."HAPPY MOTHER'S DAY!"

    1. Hi Key :) I was wondering where you've been. I thought you were busy with your hair experiment :P

      I think everyday's a Mother's day, so it's never too late to make a post about her... go go go young one :)

    2. So sorry, but I had to reply to your response, Melissa... Busy with hair experiment--that's the most hilarious thing I've ever read today LOL!!!

      Okay, now I'm off to my REAL comment on this post hahaha!

    3. LOL...I visited Key's page several times and it was about hair color and animes LOL!

    4. Big sisters are so troubled with my hair..okay, I won't do that again.

    5. LOL, on the contrary Key. We find it fascinating :P Keep on :P

  5. I'm certain that I gave my mom a lot of disappointments, Melissa. She expressed such disappointments to me through hurtful words. Initially, those words she spoke made me feel so much anger and bitterness towards her because I wondered how could a mom hurt her daughter like that? But eventually, I realized that those hurtful words were not really intended for me, but more for herself. She may blame me for what is happening to my life right now, but she blames herself ten times more. And I think in a way she sees herself as a failure. But I do wish that I have the courage to tell her that my decisions has nothing to do with her. I still feel blessed because even if I give her a lot of headache, she has people to turn to who could give her sound advice when it comes to motherhood.

    Okay, I wish to end my novel (hehe) by saying that your post is so moving. So beautiful. And that it made me reflect so much. Thank you so much for sharing your heart once again, Melissa. God bless! <3 :-)

    1. Oh I was just settling down with your story and you wrote The End lol... My mom would often tell me I should become a mother to understand how she feels...

      A mother is a mother is a matter what we say, I guess. She just wants our best.

      Thanks for worries about the space, you could write a part 2 :P

  6. So heartfelt that it moved me to tears. May God bless all mothers who are the one person the kids feel safe to run to in times of need. They are Gods representative on earth. Even when they may not be too perfect, their desire to have been perfect for the kids, is in itself the whole deal.

    1. How wonderfully said by a mother herself! Thank you Jerly.

  7. "Life doesn't have to be a drama all the time. I assured her that after we've chosen our own careers in life, the rest of the decision making were MADE BY US..."
    This is the reason why I have to give blog some time so that I could learn a lot of things from you and other bloggers. This post made me cry. haha. Talk about a cry baby.

    1. Oooo, it has been two years since I wrote this down but the wave of emotion is just as real as it was way back then.

      There's so much to know about you Ma Faye. I pray everything turns out well for you. Cry and be at peace :*

      Hugging you pianticella mia :*

  8. A lovely tribute to what seems like a wonderful mom!! Oh how I wish you were closer I would love to have you and your family over for dinner one night. I think it would be a fun and a warm night


    1. Wow! Yey! That sounds great Jim :D Who knows one day we just might meet you and Phyllis :)

  9. A beautiful and honest post about mom and daughter dynamics. Thanks for sharing this private memory with us. I can tell it was written with love and care.

    1. So much love Tameka. I know words are not even enough to show it.


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