Perfect Gift

part 3 on Poverty: "Everything comes from Above..."

photo by Michelle Tandoc-Alamil
"Every good thing given and every perfect gift is from above, coming down from the Father of lights, with whom there is no variation or shifting shadow."
~ James 1,17

I awoke with 80/60 mmHg ~ slightly dizzy but smiling. I gazed at the window as the sun reached to fetch me off my bed...

May has been a pretty exciting month for me. Unlike the other months I had when we were toxic at work, I had managed to attend two weddings...

my childhood friend's wedding

my cousin's wedding

I was able to keep my Satur-dates except for two...

Saturday before Pentecost 2012
mock trial at the barangay hall

I wasn't asked to do impossible tasks except for a week-long editing
and to wake up at 2 am by my brother in order to check mails. As he 
aptly said, "It was worth all those sleepless nights..."  Our third issue's
out, thanks God!

Rewinding back in April, I silently mourned for two losses...

this life is yet to be lived...

God gave me a few more days to be with Arvy, to whom I promised the Sacrament of the Holy Eucharist....

I heard they were evicted from the building where they lived... I cried for several days because he hasn't received the sacrament yet. Then in a dream, he appeared to me and told me, "I'm still here, teacher..." And true enough, the next day, my niece saw him playing with the other children. Apparently, they were given fifteen more days to look for another place...

I could have gotten used to it...
I have lost several patients in the ward...

and have assisted dying people in hemodialysis...


...tutto e' come un soffio...

People have come up with several tributes to honor you...
amidst all this, I chose to be silent...

Only God knows dear friend...

I pray you find the light...

Remember how you used to lullaby me to sleep? And how you held me close when Sam went away?

Now, it's my turn to sing you a song...
 may you find comfort in God's embrace


This has been a blessed time for me to be grateful for everything that has happened these past months...

I sit down before the Lord, I lay down all the gifts He has given me and the things I have left unfinished...

I delight in our accomplishments... I grieve over the demise of my loved ones... 

"The Lord has given and the Lord has taken away; 
may the name of the Lord be praised!" 
~ Job 1, 21 NIV ~

Arvy and his siblings came last Saturday for catechism. They said everybody was ousted from the building except their family.  Now I pray they could stay until Arvy receives the Sacrament :)

My low bp is due to a recurring tooth infection. I'm on antibiotic therapy right now. I promise to see the dentist after my therapy.

We lost our third niece/nephew. We wanted so much to have a newborn in our midst but he/she didn't make it through.

It was one year ago when "we" last talked. I pray "he's" all right.


  1. Melissa, your words bring a tear to my eye as I remember our lost one. I pray that her family is moving on in life, having great memories to carry with them as they go.
    Thank you for this today. You have inspired me to take some time to reflect over my good fortunes lately and to give thanks to He who truly deserves it.

    1. Thank you Mary. I've been thinking of writing this forever and only had time to really weigh in things this moment.

      I would like to remember all the good things about her :)

      It would be good to reflect on 'everything' ~ and to filter those gifts that purify us the most :) ~ lots of love :*

  2. Good thing that May had been an awesome month for you. Hope June (& next months to come) will be more awesome.God Bless :)

    1. Oh I just remembered that we were off to meet... I hope next week 's schedule will be better :)

      Thanks, I have always loved May among the 12 makes me remember of summer vacations :P

      Take care pianticella mia :*

  3. Melissa, such a moving post. These two months seem to have been busy times for you--both filled with moments of joy and grief. I'm so sorry for your loss. Like Mary, I am inspired to reflect on the importance of being alive and to show appreciation for all that I have. Here's hoping June will be a beautiful month for you! :)

    1. Hi Bella, I so love your name :*

      May and November are toxic with the deadlines and everything but apart from that, they are beautiful and exciting. Exhausting, yes, but we get to see the fruits of our labors in the journals that we publish :)

      Thanks for stopping by. Tu sei bellissima!

  4. Melissa thank you for this. As Mary said, you made me reflect on all the goodness I've enjoyed in May. Let us pray together for those that have gone and for those here who need us to be there for them in various ways. Thank you for being all you are ♥

    1. I think God's goodness surpasses our understanding :) We sometimes focus on the hurt of losing but it always comes in with purification.

      I remember a homily my colleague shared with me. How come Jesus tells us to be happy when we have to say goodbye (as He ascends to the Father)?

      And he said life doesn't stop with goodbyes ~ instead, life starts with goodbyes as welcome its new stages.

      It's not easy to be always there for somebody... but the thing is we are all connected BS not only by a social network but our souls our bound by God's love.

      Lots of love BS :* You are very special to me :*

  5. Such a heartfelt and touching reflection, Melissa. You have certainly made me stop and thank the Lord for everything I am and have, and for the beautiful people, like you, He has sent into my life.

    1. Thanks Martha :) It is something I reflect on everytime somebody goes away or something is lost... I know that God sees through everything. He knows every detail in our life :)

      Lots of love!

  6. Dearest Mom,I feel the vibes of your love through each and every word.YOU are the greatest gift of God and may His name be praised for this!

    1. Thank you dear daughter. And you are one of God's blessings to me ~ lots of love to you :*

  7. You are very very inspirational.Love this post :).

    1. Shukran Izdiher :) I wish I have learned Urdu so I could express this very well to you :)

      In Arabic, they say Inshallah. Everything that happens to us is in God's hands. And in praying, palm raised upwards is the best symbol of offering. In truth, I do not hold the gifts God gives me...because everything should be returned to Him~ the glory, honor, fruits~ these are God's...

  8. Very touching post and so sad. Much love <3

    1. Thanks Nikky. I was trying to balance those gifts :) I do not wish to bring sadness to anybody though...

      Lots of love :*

  9. You dig deep in your faith, and I can really appreciate that...That is where the peace you seek amidst life's storms can be found. So sorry for the loss and pain you've had to endure...but glad May was such a good month. I wish for much happiness and peace and spiritual growth for you in the months, years to come.

    1. Thank you sis. We are all sorry for the loss...

      Hmmm but I thank God for the beautiful things He left me with ~ the memories and the friendship that knows no end :)

      Lots of looking forward to what you wished for :)

  10. I wonder how u find time! I love the way ur pictures tell the whole story. So much to learn from you. Ur heart glows through in the post...God Bless

    1. We always find time for anything that we like to do Jerly :P

      I know you delight in the images :) Thank you :* Lots of love to you.

  11. Life is all about having and lost; gaining or loose!
    We must be strong enough to accept them.
    Life has different phases and shades too that refills the life with grace and beauty!

    Take care my Dear One! :)

    1. Thanks you little one. Yes, I felt that with the circumstances are hidden strengths and I felt God working in everything.

      Hope you are doing well :* Lots of love!

  12. Love is in the blogospehere...hey, I saw ANTS passing by this post...

    Winning and losing...they are all part of cannot appreciate what you have if you have not lose something...I could really relate to this.

    And, the ending was so heart-warming T_T...

    1. You cannot appreciate what you have until you lose it ~ that's very very wise Key and I do agree.

      LOL! Yeah, I have to keep the ants ~ they keep my page alive :P

      Thanks, you really make me laugh :P

  13. I'm amazed by how well you are able to manage your time. I'm very poor at time management! And congratulations on the third issue of your journal.

    I haven't really interacted with Sancheeta. I only often saw her posts in different facebook groups. But I was stunned by her loss. It made me realize about the fragility of life and of how we are all connected to one another. Somehow, I felt like a little part of me died, too, when Sancheeta died.

    Beautiful post, Melissa! And I wanted to tell you that I was alarmed by your low bp. I'm glad that you didn't faint or anything. And I'm glad that the past two months gave you so much to learn and to share with us. God bless <3 :-)

    1. Hmmm...I think because all the extracurricular activities fell on Saturdays :P

      I met Sancheeta in FB and became one of my closest friends ~ she shared herself so generously and always told me she was there for me...I pray for her soul and the family she left behind...

      I had it for two days this week and I would have chosen to stay on bed had it not been a workday :P...It happens every now and then, I just get dizzy ~ no fainting spells (yet and hopefully not)...

      Thank you Irene :) lots of love.

  14. Lovely heartfelt post and I love the pictures. Such special times...

    1. Thanks Lynne and welcome to my page :)You are right, all of them are special times :)

  15. Melissa, always stay this full of life, of empathy, of love and beauty! Always shine your light in the dark places. Always!

  16. Like all other reflections of urs ths s too quite deep mely...Blessingss!!!


    1. Thanks Mani :) I hope I could dig it myself :P...

  17. So touching and moving Melissa, I pray with you for our friend and I pray for you. I am glad you have found some light in the dark days. <3<3<3

    1. Thanks Jan :) I'm so glad we pray for each other. I know you have found your own light. God sees us through all the time. Lots of love to you :*

  18. Melissa I am sorry so very sorry for your loss. It is never easy no matter what your beliefs. You touched many people with this posting. ( as you always do) Please take care of yourself, be well.

    PS I enjoyed seeing the wedding pictures

    1. Thanks Jim. I'm sorry too for the loss. I have always thought I could adopt the baby for myself. And about our soul sis, I still have communication with her family, thanks God.

      My eldest sister took those shots in my cousin's wedding :) I told her to look at your blog to take some tips :P

      I promise I'll take care :) You too.

  19. "Every good thing given and every perfect gift is from above, coming down from the Father of lights, with whom there is no variation or shifting shadow."
    ~ James 1,17

    I love that Verse <3


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