The Great Wall's Rise and Fall

It was almost eleven in the evening here when my sister and I finished our Skype conversation... it was fun talking to her and hearing her speak German.


The Weeping WALL

Three of my intimate friends knew how distracted I was this week. I haven't slept much... I have been practicing the 'receiving' game after the LoA post and I've cried two times to my brother for the 'test' he's giving me... 

The invitation to Tokyo was primarily for the medical editors and he, out of benevolence, included me in the list of attendees. 

David Bronson's tweet

*The Great WALL: The Culture of 'Hiya' (Shame) vs, 'Kababaang Loob' (Humility)

I immediately declined it... come to think of it, I never had second thoughts to any invitations... I was always quick to say 'no.'

"Oh you shouldn't... you musn't... you're not obliged...please,'re too kind... I don't need it... NO, thanks..." were common replies I dish out to family, colleagues and friends that I've earned the 'Patay Ligaya' (Kill Joy) award in our office.

Maybe, I have even showed it too often that, at one point, some people have given up asking or communicating...oh! but not my *brother. I just talked to him this morning and he told me the same thing, "Trust me."

*Ethan, my musician friend gave me company for two nights with another soul sister, last night and my Muslim friend this morning...

They came sans asking...They crushed the 'wall' and built a 'bridge.'

 They invited me out of this self-enclosed shell...
to reach out instead of 'hide'...
to embrace people than 'cross' my arms in neglect...
to stay than 'ran' away...
to face life and its challenges than to 'cover' it...
to sleep and trust the flow than continuously 'fight' the current...

The culture of 'hiya' has to step down. God made me realize that it was 'false humility' to deny any goodness, to cover up talents and to be untrue to oneself...

Bury this shame or throw it away and instead plant the seed of humility... Today, I learned that openness consists not in receiving what I desire... but receiving what is meant for me.

"Few souls understand what God would accomplish in them if they were to abandon themselves unreservedly to Him and if they were to allow His grace to mold them accordingly." ~ St. Ignatius of Loyola (EWTN)


With my Satur-dates:

My sister Michelle suggested that I put up a FB page for the kids (Saturdays with Jesus) and they seem to enjoy it. 
*Reminder to parents: Always view/browse the internet with your children.

They also like music so we inserted liturgical songs in between the sessions. 
 Today we had, 'I Love the Lord.'

I Love the Lord 
sung by Sr. Bubbles Bandojo, rc:
composed by Fr. Arnel Aquino, SJ

 We took our lessons from the Bible
Tools: Bible in Filipino
Downloadble Powerpoint Presentations via Free Bible Images


  1. "Not receiving what I desire . . . but receiving what is meant for me."
    Melissa, this says it all - God has a plan for you and all of us. We have to keep our hearts and minds open to His will for our lives. Holding back or retreating won't get us there. We must don the mantle of His love and protection and go forward into His light.
    Love you so much, my friend. God bless always!

    1. You are the best Martha and I'd like to share all my blessings with you.

      I think I have always been like this with God... He always rocks my boat and challenges me to go further. I know I'll get there and arrive in the lessons He wishes to impart.

      Love love love you Martha!

  2. hey Melissa, yes, just like Martha points out, that line is a powerful line.

    Taking yourself out of the situation and letting God into the picture. If God wants you to do certain things, have certain things, meet a certain dentist (haha) or travel to a certain place, allow God to act. Otherwise, it's turning away a gift that He's sending your way. You will make Him happy by accepting!

    If we don't allow God's gifts in, we may never allow Him to answer our prayers:) We all have to do what your brother told you - trust him. Yes, but also trust God.

    If we trust God, He'll bring in everything in our life that we're supposed to have and nothing we're not.

    I too am giving God more control of my life and doing my best to do His will:)

    Another Saturdate which means more art projects to share with us?

    1. Thanks Vishnu. Just wanted to say Amen to everything you wrote and not 'argue' nor 'wrestle' with God.

      Time to just be right?

  3. Saluti dalle Filippine Marlow!

    Thank you for the visit and the compliment.

    Your blogs i worth visiting, thank you for sharing it :)

  4. I somehow missed this post, Melissa. I'm so pleasantly surprised by your 'correspondence' with David Bronson. To think he 'seemingly randomly' wanted to share on my blog and got connected with you. The questions he asks are so relevant. I have been thinking a lot about you since I read your comments to my latest two posts. Somehow, your statements disturbed me. I felt that in the name of 'goodness' and 'kindness' you have and will put up with a lot of pain. Somehow, I no longer agree that God gives us 'crosses' etc that we have to bear. Life happens, we make choices - there is pain, but there's also grace. There is no sense however in choosing to remain in painful situations or give up opportunities to enjoy yourself - without feeling like you have to 'earn' everything. You're in my heart and prayers a lot, dear Melissa. ♥

    1. David Bronson's such a deep person, I agree, his questions are worth reflecting on.

      The truth BS is I don't 'see' it most of the time, someone points it out to me and that's it. It is indeed disturbing how one could be treated as apologies for getting the wrong ideas.

      I really do things out of good intentions...

      About remaining in painful situations, perhaps, not so much as before. 'Someone' has helped me 'open up' my shell ~ I mean there are lots of you out there...but there's this friend who taught me how to receive God's blessings :)

      Lots of love and thank you so much BS ~ I've been praying for you too.


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