أنا عطشان

"O God, You are my God ---   

for You I long!

For You my body yearns;
for You my soul thirsts,
Like a land parched, lifeless,
and without water..." 
-Psalm 63,1-2

I usually take my retreats in Tagaytay or Batangas...

...places which offer silence... solitude...
Casita Ysabel found in Anilao, Batangas
photo taken on May 2011
... and prayer... 

photo taken May 2011

When I hear God calls...I know it's time...

However, it's not always the case.
There are moments when I am required to
work in the office or in the field or be in a meeting...

the desire is fully there...
even exigent...

It continually beckons me...
making me aware of my needs...

I pine for something... Someone...
to satiate my thirst...

So I found my way through the streets where I took retreat in the hearts of the people I met.

For three full days, I met Jesus in the elevator...
in the conference hall...
amidst the crowd...
the noise...
and traffic...

And yet in all these, I realized that the more I emptied myself of unnecessary things, the more I could accomodate people...
the more I could "obey" and truly listen.

God made me realize that I could be serene amidst a frenetic world ---
where 'efficiency' could sometimes rob us of charity...
where 'schedules' could be so taxing that it leaves us jaded...
where 'money' could be more important than health...

Outside the net, I came face-to-face with my "gnawing need" ---
for human intimacy and belongingness...

I had it mirrored to me by the world I lived in...

I craved for that 'human touch" that doesn't just befall between lovers...

I felt human expression at work through communication ---
through spoken words...

And guess what,
I felt more alive doing this...

So, what challenges do you meet each day?
How do you face them?


  1. Probably the biggest challenge I meet each day is to stay tuned to the energy of Source -- to deliberately choose thoughts that feel good, so I can feel that love and connection with my inner being or god. And of course, some days it's easier to do than others! :) I know that I always feel better when I do this, and wonderful things unfold in my life.

  2. Melissa what beautiful reflections, and what a gift to see the reality and life of Jesus everywhere you went, in the people you would meet. Thank you so much for sharing.

    Right now, I think being a mother is becoming my greatest challenge. My children are both changing dramatically and at a very rapid pace...mostly emotionally and intelectually and I'm trying to keep up with these changes, to nurture and to guide them the way God would have me, but I feel I'm falling short in areas.

    I am trying to face these challenged by focusing on Jesus, becoming centered in the Spirit and letting it guide me through the outpouring of God's love and compassion. It's not easy and oftentimes I fail, but I believe God's love through me will help heal some of the woes my children are having and build a bridge of empathy and compassion from my heart to theirs...and understanding.

  3. Everyday is a challenge, to live in the moment without worrying about the future but my biggest challenge these days is being a mother to my 17 year old, trying to be there for him in all ways. Being a single mother comes with its own set of challenges but I know as long as I keep the faith things will work out fine.
    I love the way you write soul sis and this was no exception

  4. So true Melissa! God is everywhere and we need to listen to His voice. I have a favourite place at the river close to us and that is where I normally go if everything gets too much. I sit down and listen to the water, see the mountains and nature and I see God in all of it. When I leave there I feel so much better. But sometimes when I have a lot of turmoil in my soul then it is difficult to hear His voice. I need to pay special attention...it is not always easy. Love this article that you have written :)

  5. Obedience is better than SACRIFICE! ;)

    Challenges we face daily are negative energy, words, and/or attitudes. Anything that threatens our security in God or in who we are. The way we respond to these challenges, determines how fast we pass the TEST.

    It's easier said then done sometimes, especially when the negativity comes from those we love or are closest to.

    *Denying ourselves and LOVING as He loves.

  6. Napaisip ako bigla. Just like what Rimly said, everyday is challenge. Probably the biggest challenge for me would be on how to be a good daughter to my mom who always been there for me and gave me everything I need and want. As I grow older, I want to give all the best for her. Guess it's my turn to give back everything she had sacrificed for me.

  7. Melissa, we miss you when you go, but know that the soul must have its retreat. Thanks for sharing your insights and takeaways. I love the photos as well as I imagined myself inside head bowed, taking deep breaths and being silent.

    My challenges these days are mostly economic ones due to the horrible state of financial affairs here in the US. But through it all I am still blessed! The biggest daily challenge I face is how to focus more on the things I have and can give rather than on what I lack. When we give of ourselves, whether it's a hug, poem or a smile, it can work wonders for us and others.

    Welcome back dear writer. We miss you when you go, but always treasure the spiritual gifts you bring upon your return.


  8. At times I am at a loss as to how on earth do I give u comfort..I wish I could just reach out and hug u..
    Challenges are always there..I am living with an 70 years old Mom,my daughter,and two motherless children,and being a single Mom,who has never worked in her life...nothing else to say to it.omorrow is a blank page, just waiting to be filled with your dreams... All you have to do is be yourself and live the story of your own unique life. Be proud. Be confident. And most of all be happy.

  9. beautiful, your faith is strong and beautiful.

  10. I meet my challenges with trepidation, until I remember I am not alone.

  11. Dear one,your words plays a magic in my mind..
    Every time you come up with soothing thoughts with apt questions !

    I love the way you express your thoughts..
    For me everyday's challenge is to be myself! And I try my best to be the best without a change :)

    I'll be not able to interact you because of my exams and see ,the co- incidence on your special day..my exams are starting :(
    So probably I'll miss to be with you on that day and I do not want to miss to wish you...
    Happy Birthday , Dear one :) ..I wish ,you always smile with peace and satisfaction. You're so special for me ..never ever leave me alone my dear one. I love you so much!!

  12. Everyday or action is a learning experience and a gift... I try to live day by day enjoying and being in the moment. My biggest challenge is really the unknown... I never know what or how to expect...

  13. I see him in the derelict on the street, booze bottle in hand…
    In the teenage girl with an unborn child, seeking direction and help for while…
    In an old man stuck in a rest home, empty and useless, left all alone…
    In a widow with no one to share her grief, suffering in silence with no relief…
    In the young man caged in prison, with on one to listen, alone and afraid...
    Thank you for sharing where you’ve seen him too Melissa.
    ~ Beautiful

  14. Beautiful! God Bless u Melissa... lots f love:)

  15. Your faith inspires me as does your inner beauty. You speak to all of us in a very unique voice that touches us all . I always love reading your post and always learn something about you, life and myself in your writings, My biggest challenge is keeping my creative juices fresh and flowing.



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