My Heart's Thanksgiving Part 2

“A specially chosen present makes a soul feel singled out.

Take time to question thoughtfully and listen carefully to people’s interests and passions.
Besides tailoring each gift to ‘just the right fit,’
You will find your relationships growing in nature and depth.”
-Anne Calodich Fone, Elf-help for Giving the Gift of You (Pasay City: Paulines Publishing House, 2006), #25

This is it,  FINALLY, I saw the perfect gift for my friends, and we just received it yesterday...
so here it is jim, after one hundred years of waiting for the surprise :P...

my sister's birthday cake May 2011

It is with great joy that I share this to my photographer friends whose different styles continue to amaze me:
street photography - Aaron Offord

landscape - Suirya Gayathri

effects - Subin Sudharman

macrophotography - Syed Alfandi Syed Mansor

useful tips on photography - Mari Sterling Wilbur

nature/wedding - Jim and Phyllis Brandano

While talking of our website, one of our editorial advisers commented that it should have an element that surprises people each day and make them come back for more...
Of the blogs I read and follow, I have found such in:

Jim Brandano

Jessica Mokrzycki

Debra El-Ramey

I share with them the

I use them for my reflection and prayer throughout the week. Continue feeding my soul.

To my poet friends who feed my heart and senses:

Alpana Jaiswal

Rimly Berzberuah

Sancheeta Biswas

There could be a million more out there that I haven’t noticed, read nor mentioned...

Break bread with me...:)


  1. Melissa..Thank you...ITS UNBELIEVABLE....God bless you.I am blessed to have you in my life..

  2. Thank YOu so much ..your a blessing in so many ways

  3. Melissa, you are indeed a special, loving, giving person.

    Regards, Mari

  4. i am touched by the unique gift of love and appreciation Meli. i feel blessed to have you in my life soul-sis. the greatest thing in life is to give up who i am and become what i can be. so, i am just trying to be a better me. your gift has boosted up my confidence a degree higher. thank you so much.

  5. Melissa,
    Thank you so much. It is an honour to be given an award by you and that you enjoy my street photography.

  6. Melissa you always take me by surprise. Thank you darling for this honor. Love you.

  7. thankyou...that cake is more appetizing than the bugs..

  8. thank u tons dear.. my eyes got wet by seeing this.. and this is really a great honor for me. love u dear.. god bless.. :) :) <3

  9. I am honored and touched that you would think of my blog when giving awards. Thank you Melissa! I love coming here and reading your heartfelt and faith-filled reflections and insights. I feel I have connected with a kindred spirit that thirsts for God as I do, and that's a beautiful thing! I loved all the blogs you mentioned in receiving awards! ~blessings

  10. I think I’m about to cry. I didn’t even realize there was an Inspirational Blogger Award until I came here today. I find Depth to be among the best in inspiration - and truly lives up to its name.
    ~ Richest Blessings dear Melissa ~

  11. Melissa - What a fantastic pick of bloggers! I'm glad that I'm connected to many of them...and now to you too! Hugs....


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