Messengers of Hope

Not all angels have wings and look like cherubims. 

I met two of them recently. And they came quietly into my life...they were not longtime friends but people I encountered in the streets once and were never seen again but they created such a great impact in my life...

I was never the same after that.

angels in disguise:

In choosing life, God has given me gifts greater than the material things provided me by family. 
God enrolled me in the school of love where the heart is formed and is continuously shaped according to the potter's skillful hands.

God gave me angels in disguise as co-travellers in this school. And as days progress into years, God enables me to see more a person's heart. From the abundance of graces God is giving me, He also provided me with "THORNS" and weaknesses inorder to keep myself rooted in the ground. 

By allowing my weaknesses to surface, my friends and co-journeyers make HUMILITY tangible and I'm forever grateful to them for that.

"That I might not become too elated,a thorn in the flesh was given to me,an angel of Satan, to beat me,to keep me from being too elated. Three times I begged the Lord about this,that it might leave me,but he said to me,"My grace is sufficient for you, for power is made perfect in weakness..." (2 Cor.12,7-8).

Who are your angels?


  1. WOW words of are my angel sis...can't give your place to anyone else. :D

  2. The thorns...not always appreciated but necessary so pride doesn't take the root, pride, which is the thief to joy and fullness of faith. May humility blossom in all of our hearts, may be be humble and reverent to God, for then the Spirit manifests Himself in radiance in our lives and in our hearts.

    What a beautiful post :) One angel in my life brought me to tears by his grace and by exemplifying the radical love of Jesus. He was a man I hardly knew who had learned that my car had broken down (years ago) and needed to be fixed and we hadn't the funds. I was worried about getting my daughter to school. He offered me the use of his car. We were having the car fixed but didn't know when we would be able to pick it up because we weren't sure when we'd be able to pay for it. A few days after it went into the shop we got a call by the mechanic, telling us that it was ready to be picked up. We asked how much it would cost and he said, no problem, your "father" already paid for it. I was in tears. I couldn't believe a man who didn't even know me but just knew me of me would do such a kind and generous act. He has inspired me to, as my husband and I have begun to prosper, reach out to others in similiar ways whenever we can. He was a true angel, for not only did he help deliver us out of a real tangible dilemma, but he helped teach me the radical love of Jesus.

  3. How interesting Melissa. I’ve recently begun a piece on angels too. I haven’t posted it yet, but I just wanted you to know that, when I do, I wasn’t copying you! Anyway, my forthcoming story is about one of the angels in my life named Irene. She was there to embrace me as we stood in a parking lot while I wept and sobbed from a deep wound. You’ll have to wait and hear why I was so upset when you read the story. From that day on, she was there to encourage and lift me up, and I felt like I needed to pay tribute to such an angel.

  4. angels give a closer idea to HIM where the soul at its highest is found. an angels echos mercy and whispers love. keeps our feet grounded to the too elated thoughts and makes us fly to our destiny with new hopes when we fail to think life is to again get up and try..........source of endurance.

  5. Angels are the one who enlighten up your dark ,misery life with a true colours of happiness and joy. You're an angel too for me ,now you'll think how?..Your thoughts enlighten up my thoughts and life.Thank you so much ,Dear one! Love you too :)..
    Keep smiling ,take care
    Yours Little one ..

  6. If I could grasp a star for everytime you made me smile,
    I'd have the whole evening sky in the palm of my hand.
    Beautiful like you will have everything you desire,and I believe that...

  7. Melissa, to see things on this light are real wisdom....self-evaluating is a long tedious process and I think you are getting to the heart of it all. Congratulation partner for a wonderful blog...I will put this close to my heart and bind them around my neck.

  8. I've experienced angels in real life, Melissa and they always remind me of God's deep and abiding love for me. Last year when my husband met with an accident I was surrounded by angels - I wrote a couple of posts about them. I hope you don't mind me sharing them here:

  9. How appropriate that an angel speaks of angels!! I had an angel come into for life 24 years ago. She has changed my thinking and my life making me a better me!! I think that a thorn was my heart attacks and they too made me think made me change and made me a better person!!!
    THis post was written by someone with a great gift , an understanding of the human spirit. This post could only have been written by another angel one of great complexity and great empathy...You!!!

  10. Yes I too have had experiences of angels and they are plenty, soul sis to pull you through the darkest of days.

  11. I have taught my kids their whole lives to always be loving, understanding and help people because you never know when you are meeting an angel in disguise. Thank you for sharing you have reminded me of a story I want to share.


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